Privacy and Use Policy


The company allows all customers to access the pages of its website where the company pledges to protect data privacy, as this information is not exploited or used for any other (illegal) purpose outside of implementing and processing your data. to request. We would also like to inform you that while you are browsing this site, the hosting systems automatically record visitor information related to your browsing operations (information that does not reveal your personal identity), such as the pages you read, the content you view, or the materials downloaded, for statistical purposes that help us in Evaluate the level of content and presentation. and provide information about system performance issues to improve the overall performance of this site.

Property Rights

The copyright, information and materials available on the company’s website are assets owned by the company, and it is strictly prohibited to copy, publish, or use them in a way that conflicts with what they were published for, or use for personal purposes and interests without obtaining prior written permission from the company. So, in any of the normal use cases. The company should be cited as the source of this information.

General Provisions

The company reserves the right to make any minor or major amendment to the privacy and confidentiality policy from time to time without the need to provide notice, as these amendments take effect as of the time, they are published on its website , and continuing to use the website after these amendments is considered a Accept these changes. Therefore, you should review the Privacy and Confidentiality Policy periodically to ensure that you are aware of the most current version of it.

The laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia alone are the laws applied in all matters related to disputes that may arise due to the use of this site, and the courts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have exclusive jurisdiction to consider and decide on this. Such disputes.